tiistai 27. marraskuuta 2012

My own Facebook.

Hello again!

The weatherman (short and chuppy man with a football-sized eyes and grey hair) told me today that tomorrow it´s snowing. I do not like snow. I do not like snowmen. And I do not like snow flakes. In fact, I hate it!
Who needs the snow? Please let me know? Why does it rain? Even Santa doesn´t need the snow. He has the reindeers and they can fly!

Today I have been very angry for the weatherman! Okey, I know it is not his fault but... you know.
So.. I am very happy for Facebook. Today I got my hunredths fun to Bean&Pähkinä and that cheered me up! I spent most of the day at Facebook with my fans. I love them so much!
 We love Chinese Crested shared my pictures on their page. Look!!! How much they like me! http://www.facebook.com/oliver.bean.980#!/welovechinesecresteds/posts/137187999764123?comment_id=266004&notif_t=share_reply

This is so SweEeEeeeT!

I updated my photos today. You can see all my pictures at www.facebook.com/bean.pahkina
Here is my new album


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