keskiviikko 21. marraskuuta 2012

For my Bean - For ever

For my Bean - For ever

When I first time saw those choclate brown eyes, which looked at me with great dogs wisdom I knew right away, that we would become inseparable.
There I sat Baby-Bean in my hands and there my life's salt, sugar and love was looking at me, Baby-Bean, whose pink nose I kissed and whose fuzzy ear and soft skin I whispered: "Bean."

I and Bean. We learned to know each other piece by piece and together we started to build pur life puzzle. Together we saw and experienced, tasted​
and smelted. Snifted and walked from path to another, from stray back to right and sometimes from right through the left side into the ditch and head first into the mud bush. But always we have got up, have created a​ trusting gaze at each other and continued our journey. Together. We have learned from each other. We have grown into same tree, which shading branches take care and give shelter from wind and rain. Which welcome​
friend and take care of them caressing like a grandmother.

We are little culinary, we get up early, who as little troll with​ messed hair wake up happily to new morning. We achieve, we are scatty who are rich with ideas, and anyone can't keep up even when chains and balls are tied to feet. We artist whose colours and happiness meet up with rainbow and crafters, who make the world a little bit more comfortable​ place to live.

I and Bean, we are not like the night and the day. We are like the morning and the whisper of morning, like the evening and the dusk. Like the sea and the white sand, like the Brooklyn Bridge and below it the ever-flowing East River.

We are like two berries, which other is blueberry and other is rasberry until other one changes mind and wants to be strawberry. Until gets idea of cranberry, taste it and crins, and wants to be again rasberry. And so happens, sees the effor and gets rasberry back. And is happy.​

​I and Bean. We love the early morning and the bustling days. The guiet evenings is corner of the sofa The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes in hands and eye glasses on the nose. We love the flowers, the summer and the spas; the animals, the nature and the happines; the clean scents, the freshness and the morning dew.​

And so... We have been travelling together for now almost seven years. We have experienced together the wicked and sweetest twirls of life, teached to each other what is courage, intelligence, love and caring. And especially what is creativity, hard work and achievement. What is taking care of others, what is unselfishness and sincerity. What is imagination and what is what is the ups and downs of life.

What is the wonder and the magic of life.

What is that when dearest of all flies from our lives as an angel to the Heaven.​

What is the silence of Christmas night and the silent thoughts; the hopes and the promises.​

What is soulfulness and partnership. What we are.​

And what it all became: Bean&Pähkinä.

Luxury Dog Clothes

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