tiistai 27. marraskuuta 2012

My own Facebook.

Hello again!

The weatherman (short and chuppy man with a football-sized eyes and grey hair) told me today that tomorrow it´s snowing. I do not like snow. I do not like snowmen. And I do not like snow flakes. In fact, I hate it!
Who needs the snow? Please let me know? Why does it rain? Even Santa doesn´t need the snow. He has the reindeers and they can fly!

Today I have been very angry for the weatherman! Okey, I know it is not his fault but... you know.
So.. I am very happy for Facebook. Today I got my hunredths fun to Bean&Pähkinä and that cheered me up! I spent most of the day at Facebook with my fans. I love them so much!
 We love Chinese Crested shared my pictures on their page. Look!!! How much they like me! http://www.facebook.com/oliver.bean.980#!/welovechinesecresteds/posts/137187999764123?comment_id=266004&notif_t=share_reply

This is so SweEeEeeeT!

I updated my photos today. You can see all my pictures at www.facebook.com/bean.pahkina
Here is my new album


maanantai 26. marraskuuta 2012

Christmas - HURRY UP!!!

I love Christmas! I love the Christmas elves, I love Christmas decorations, I love Christmas food, I love Christmas delicacies.. I love everything which is related to Christmas. I love everything except waiting! Waiting for the Santa makes me GaGa!!
Ah, Santa Claus! He is so amazing oldster - I can not wait to see him again. He is not so handsome nut he is very nice and thoughtful. Can you believe that he will bring me a lot of gifts every year? And can you believe that he has got a real reindeers! No, I have never seen them but I have heard. And do you know what?! Well.. You are not gonna believe this!! The reindeers can fly!!
So... Maybe you now understand why I can´t stand to waiting for the Santa!
I have made my own list of wishes - have you?
You can see all my greetings at www.facebook.com/bean.pahkina and follow my waiting for the Santa! And you can buy the Christmas Gift at www.luxurydogclothes.fi

I can´t wait... That is the reason why I have this beard.


Perfect day

I spent a wonderful day with my mom! We went for a walk together and I saw many mallards that swimming in the river. We stopped to look at the river boats. The boats were so beautiful and their lights glowed as beautifully as I do.

    Me and my mom on the river.

At home we made a food together. I made pasta with vegetables and the venison and the pork. We have so much fun together and we gave for my brother Wilson a few tidbits. My mom cooked eggs and tomato sauce with fish and sandwiches. We made a fantastic meal! 

    Here is my venison and the pork on my own Winnie The Pooh plate.

Later we watched the movie. I love the movie nights with my Family: With mom, Wilson-rat and Preston-ferret. My Family is the BEST EVER!!! It doesn´t matter even if we are all different looking - we are still a family. We are a strong family. We are a team!
We had so much fun! We laughed and we ate and we enjoyed the movie.

A dog's life is awesome!

Movie night (with my second family, Disney)

lauantai 24. marraskuuta 2012

Christmas gift by Bean&Pähkinä. Are you one of the lucky ones?

Christmas is coming! This year Oliver Bean will remember his three fans with the Christmas gift by Bean&Pähkinä. Have you been the most active fan? Wait and see... Three lucky will be announced on First Of December. ♥




perjantai 23. marraskuuta 2012

Names.. What does your name mean?

Have you ever thought about your name? What does it mean? Where does it come from? Who gave it to you? Do you even like your name..?

IT ´ S ME!!

My name is Bean. Oliver Bean, that is my full name... Yeah, I know! BEAN! As a pea, pease.. That green eatable thing. But I have always liked my name. My name is a gift from my mother. The name Oliver does mean the olive tree.The name has a Latin origin. Most interpret this literal translation to mean 'olive branch' and therefore consider the meaning of the olive branch to be the meaning of the name Oliver. In Christianity and the Bible, the olive branch is seen as a symbol of peace, beauty and dignity. So... Oliver is a beautiful and VERY IMPORTANT name, isn´t it?
And so.. What the name Bean does mean? It is my mom´s secret.

I think the name is an important part of us.
I think that the most beautiful names are (for example)

-Oliver (it´s me, btw)
-Bean (it´s me, btw)
-Preston (he is my bro)
-Wilson(he is my bro)
-Walter(he is my- bro who lives in heaven)
-Olivia (my name if a would be a girl)
-Orlando (Just as Orlando Bloom - who is he, by the way..? And my next bro´s name, I hope so!!!)
-Ginger ( I hate that name but I love the gingerbread cookies!!)
-Joy (Because I am always happy!)
-Antonio ( It sounds so romantic!)
-Meat (It is not a name, actually, but it could be. I like it)
-Candy ( I love candies!!!!)
-Bob (I don´t like the name Bob, but the Sponge Bob Square pants is very awesome!!)
-Angelina ( It is like a angel)
-Presley (Preston´s pet name)
 This is my dear bro Preston O´Rayley. He loves Louis Vuitton.

 And he loves food.. almost TOO much!

 And he has own sweaters by Bean&Pähkinä. www.luxurydogclothes.fi

 And my dear bro Wilson. What does his name mean? Hmmm... I don´t know.. Maybe something like Prince William..

What does your name mean?  Ask me! I can tell you! ;)


Name: Jason

A= (Amor)
S= (Second child)
O= (Olive)
N= (Nanny)



You love the jelly, maybe it is your childhood delicacy. Amor will be on your side. You are a second child. You love olives. You are a great nanny!!

torstai 22. marraskuuta 2012

The memory of my brother

I miss him every day - what else could I say. He was my smile, he was my joy and my happiness. Now he is my tears in my eyes and my little angel on my shoulder.

This page is dedicated to the memory of my brother Valtteri


And these are so many memories... <3 I love you my brother. Rest in peace.

  We were on the beach. And we were happy...

 He enjoyed his life...


 And we were together..

 He loved everything fun...

 ..he loved tenderness too.
And then came the time when they were the last time in this way: last kisses, last whispers... And then by brother flew towards to the Neverland..
It was hard to my mom. And it was hard to me. But now his pain is finally gone and he lives in a gingerbread house in heaven. And he is happy. And that is the most important thing - my brother is happy angel. He is our Guardian from heaven.
And we are safe. Forever.

keskiviikko 21. marraskuuta 2012

Oh no! I have VERY OWN Facebook profile right now!!!

Hello there!

This is so awesome feeling! My sweet mom made me my own profile for Facebook. Now I can share all my photos and greetings with my friends and fans!

You can find my profile at


                               I love this day!!

..But where is the snow.? Christmast is almost here..

For my Bean - For ever

For my Bean - For ever

When I first time saw those choclate brown eyes, which looked at me with great dogs wisdom I knew right away, that we would become inseparable.
There I sat Baby-Bean in my hands and there my life's salt, sugar and love was looking at me, Baby-Bean, whose pink nose I kissed and whose fuzzy ear and soft skin I whispered: "Bean."

I and Bean. We learned to know each other piece by piece and together we started to build pur life puzzle. Together we saw and experienced, tasted​
and smelted. Snifted and walked from path to another, from stray back to right and sometimes from right through the left side into the ditch and head first into the mud bush. But always we have got up, have created a​ trusting gaze at each other and continued our journey. Together. We have learned from each other. We have grown into same tree, which shading branches take care and give shelter from wind and rain. Which welcome​
friend and take care of them caressing like a grandmother.

We are little culinary, we get up early, who as little troll with​ messed hair wake up happily to new morning. We achieve, we are scatty who are rich with ideas, and anyone can't keep up even when chains and balls are tied to feet. We artist whose colours and happiness meet up with rainbow and crafters, who make the world a little bit more comfortable​ place to live.

I and Bean, we are not like the night and the day. We are like the morning and the whisper of morning, like the evening and the dusk. Like the sea and the white sand, like the Brooklyn Bridge and below it the ever-flowing East River.

We are like two berries, which other is blueberry and other is rasberry until other one changes mind and wants to be strawberry. Until gets idea of cranberry, taste it and crins, and wants to be again rasberry. And so happens, sees the effor and gets rasberry back. And is happy.​

​I and Bean. We love the early morning and the bustling days. The guiet evenings is corner of the sofa The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes in hands and eye glasses on the nose. We love the flowers, the summer and the spas; the animals, the nature and the happines; the clean scents, the freshness and the morning dew.​

And so... We have been travelling together for now almost seven years. We have experienced together the wicked and sweetest twirls of life, teached to each other what is courage, intelligence, love and caring. And especially what is creativity, hard work and achievement. What is taking care of others, what is unselfishness and sincerity. What is imagination and what is what is the ups and downs of life.

What is the wonder and the magic of life.

What is that when dearest of all flies from our lives as an angel to the Heaven.​

What is the silence of Christmas night and the silent thoughts; the hopes and the promises.​

What is soulfulness and partnership. What we are.​

And what it all became: Bean&Pähkinä.

Luxury Dog Clothes

tiistai 20. marraskuuta 2012

Luxury Dog Clothes by Bean&Pähkinä

Luxury Dog Clothes by Bean&Pähkinä

Who am I?

Hello! My name is Bean and I am hairless dog from Finland. Do you know where Finland is, by the way..?

So I thought, my friend.

Well.. Finland is located very far, far away from everything. Finland is the place where Santa Claus lives in. So there is no reason to say that Finland is very, very cold country! This is why I need clothes for every day. And this is the reason why Bean&Pähkinä has founded. And Bean&Pähkinä is the reason why I love Luxury Dog Clothes!

Now I have a lot of different types of clothes - mainly theme costumes.  

Bee Costume For Dog

This is my first theme costume (bee costume for dog) by Bean&Pähkinä. See all the pictures at www.luxurydogclothes.fi and get yours!

Prisoner Costume For Dogs

This Prisoner costume is my second theme costume by Bean&Pähkinä. This costume has been photographed in April 2012, prison in Finland. It was so much fun and we got so many awesome photos! You can see all photos on my sites at www.luxurydogclothes.fi or on my Facebook at www.facebook.com/bean.pahkina

I so love my own Prisoner costume with personal prisoner number. This is so cool knit!

Pig Costume For Dogs

It was May 2012 when my mother dressed me with Pic costume. I was so amused! That Pig costume was so funny! I got new friends on the farm where we took photos. This Pig costume is very lightweight but warm with pigtail and pig´s head. This costume is one of my favorite!

www.luxurydogclothes.fi and www.facebook.com/bean.pahkina

I am the Idea of Bean&Pähkinä. "Bean" means me and "Pähkinä" means my mom who designs all the clothes for Bean&Pähkinä. She is a talented knitter and she loves her job. This is the reason why I have so many hand-made luxury dog clothes.

Butterfly Costume For Dogs

This is my colorful luxury Butterfly Costume. Lightweight and protect me from the sun.

www.luxurydogclothes.fi www.facebook.com/bean.pahkina

Cow Costume For Dogs

This is the best! Definitely my favorite costume. I love the colors, I love the spots! This cow is so funny and makes me happy every day! I so love this costume!!

www.luxurydogclothes.fi www.facebook.com/bean.pahkina

Tiger Costume

What next...?

The Tiger costume, of course!

This costume is so fantastic! Every time when I use it I feel so good - I feel like a brave and handsome! This costume make me playful and happy. And what is the best thing? This costume is very comfortable and still warm.

Would you like to get the similar tiger costume for your dog?

Get yours at www.luxurydogclothes.com and like me on Faceook at www.facebook.com/bean.pahkina

Dino costume for dogs

My FIRST THOUGHT about the Dino costume was that "Mom! Are you GAGA?!?!!" But when I SAW that little sweet dino I was fascinated. The Dino costume was very adorable! I had thought that the Dino costume would be very angry and too scary (pet) for me. But I was so wrong! This Dino costume is very beautiful, lightweight but still warm handknitted sweater. I love it!


Polar Bear costume for dog
Ciraffe costume for dog
Panda costume for dog
Sheep costume for dog

LovE, LOvE, LoVE and Luxury dog clothes by Bean&Pähkinä