tiistai 11. joulukuuta 2012

My Family Portrait by Luxury dog clothes With Bean&Pähkinä

Hello there!

I am here again!

It is very cold winter here and I need more clothes. I said to my mom that I would like to dress up something classic and elegant but still warm. And my mom started the design.
One hour ago my mom dressed me up and we went to shopping. I really love the shopping! Shopping is so wonderful way to relax, isn´t it? And I don´t know anything better than shopping in New York! I miss my Big Apple every day - and someday I will be there again.

So... We went to shopping here, In Finland. That was so much fun even if we were not In 5th Avenue! My mom bought some crystals and lot of tabs. She said she will knit me the most beautiful costume for Christmas and I was SooOoooOo Excited!

Today we took the perfect Family portrait. You can see that at www.facebook.com/bean.pahkina

And remember also my sites at www.luxurydogclothes.fi

I love you all!


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